Organisational information

Note: If you are a sub fund holder, your host organisation is best placed to fill this survey for the whole organisation. Please forward this survey to them for completion.
If "Trustee" or “Other” are selected, more options will be displayed

Total granting distributions directly to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led and controlled organisations, an organisation that:

  1. has been established by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, and

  2. operates for the primary benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and/or organisations, and

  3. has a majority (51%) Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander governing body (Directors), and is

  4. controlled and operated by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, and is  

  5. a charity, not-for-profit organisation, incorporated under Commonwealth, state or territory legislation.

Grantmaking approach

Please note: questions in this section relate to funding to all organisations and programs. This section is not limited to funding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led and controlled organisations.

Financial Reporting for 2022/2023 Financial Year

Please note: the questions in this section specify whether you are to provide funding information related to all organisations and programs, or specifically to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led and controlled organisations or programs.
Please note: you will be asked about total distributions, and then asked to split out different kinds of distribution including grants/donations, impact investments and other investments.
Whole numbers only
Whole numbers only
Whole numbers only
Whole numbers only.
Whole numbers only. Other investments could include guarantees, low interest loans, bonds, etc
Whole numbers only
Whole numbers only
Whole numbers only.
Whole numbers only. Other investments could include guarantees, low interest loans, bonds, etc

Financial Reporting for 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 Financial Year

Please note: the questions in this section specify whether you are to provide funding information related to all organisations and programs, or to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led and controlled organisations or programs.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander funding focus

Please note: the questions in this section relate only to funding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led and controlled organisations or programs. The financial year required will be specified in each question, if relevant.

Whole number only

e.g. ‘Reconciliation Action Plan’ or ‘Published statement of principles’

Please note: only provide numbers for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander employees

Please note: only provide numbers for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander employees

Please note: provide numbers for all employees

Case Studies

If you would like to provide a case study, please select one of the following options and attach your file:

Please ensure that the relevant parties have consented to the sharing of your case study.
